Alexandre Lacasse Partner, lawyer

Labour and employment law Litigation Municipal law
Education LL.B. Bachelor of Laws, Université Laval in 2004
Bar Admission Québec (2005)
Phone 514 392-5722
Cell Phone
Fax 514 331-0514
Assistant Laëtitia Laygues
Assistant Phone 514 331-5010 #5755
vCard vCard
Me Alexandre Lacasse is a versatile attorney who has practiced in a number of the firm’s practice areas since commencing his professional career, including municipal law, labour and employment law and litigation.

Me Lacasse represents the firm’s clients before the courts and administrative tribunals while regularly providing consultations and drafting various procedures, briefs and legal opinions for municipalities of all sizes as well as small, medium and large employers.

Presentations and conferences

  • Regularly participates in conferences and development activities offered to elected and municipal officials:
    • Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ): Provides training for newly elected officials, since 2006.
    • Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ). The clerk, a key actor in municipal administration, since 2009.
    • Legal aspects of civil security, in collaboration with Sécurité civile Landry, since 2015.