Isabelle Fallaha Lawyer

Education LL.B. Baccalauréat en droit, Université de Montréal en 2009, Université de Montréal en 2009
Bar Admission Québec (2011)
Phone 514 392-6809
Cell Phone 514 349-0606
Fax 514 331-0514
Assistant Laëtitia Laygues
Assistant Phone 514 331-5010 #5755
vCard vCard
Me Isabelle Fallaha started her career in 2011, gaining experience in civil litigation. For the past three years, her practice has been more focused on real estate and administrative litigation.

In the course of her practice, she has regularly been called upon to prepare files, to represent the interests of clients and to plead before the Court of Quebec and the Superior Court, as well as drafting numerous legal opinions and memorandums on various subjects related to civil and administrative law.